Friday, February 18, 2011


A friend sent me photos of puppies. Should have made this one a wordless Wednesday.
I promise to use proper citation in all my reports. So help me dog.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

John Hillman and the Rebellion of 1837

Amazing what you can find if you keep on digging. It would appear that John Hillman (1819-1906) was in the militia.
West Kent Militia; 2nd. Kent Militia: St. Clair Volunteers Pay List, 1838.
This is taken from a transcription by the Lambton Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society, 1989. The original is found in the British Archives.
The St. Clair Volunteers included men from Zone township. For John Hillman this is the right geographical area. In 1838 he was in Zone. An interesting footnote is that apparently he could not read or write. He made his mark !

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - John David Hillman & Family

John David died in 1936 so this photo was taken before then. I still have to get the women in the back row straight; but I can identify some. From left to right bottom row - Lena Hillman (Peckham), William Wallace Hillman (My grandfather so I know I have that right), John David Hillman, Hannah Hillman (McKay), Henry Hillman. From left to right top row - second from left is Olive (Hillman) Dare, the man is Charles Bruce Hillman, next to him is his wife Hope Hillman (Lougheed).